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Sean Patrick Monahan is the diva in DIVA: Live From Hell in this set I created in my studio to promote his play.
Music & Lyrics by Alexander Sage Oyen
Book & Characters by Sean Patrick Monahan
Directed by Danny Goldstein
Produced by Jenna Grossano
Shot in my studio in a set I designed.
Shot in my studio in a set I designed
A new musical by Erik Ransom, directed by Rachel Klein
November 4-20, 2016
Theater for the New City
Shot in my studio in a set I designed
Off-Off-Off Broadway Theater
Shot in my studio in a set I designed
Calamity Chang, The Asian Sexsation, is a burlesque performer based in New York City.
This is a set I designed and built in my studio.
Performing Artist, Model, Actress, New York City
Shot in my studio in a set I designed
Cassandra RoseBeetle is a dancer, ice skater, glass walker and burlesque performer in New York City.
You can learn more about her at her website.
Here she poses in a set I designed and built in my studio. Those are real candles in the background.
This photo was awarded the OneEyeLand Picture of the Day.
The Love Show is a theatrical dance company based in Brooklyn that combines cabaret, ballet, rock, comedy and theater into creative performances all over the US and beyond. Please see their web site for more information or attend one of their performances for a delightful evening.
Shot in my studio in a set I designed
Shot in my studio.
Shot in my studio in a set I designed
Shot in my studio in a set I designed
Eric Schmalenberger and Severly Mame recreate a classic photograph.
Done on location.
Makeup by Embry Blue.
Shot in my studio in a set I designed
Shot in my studio in a set I designed
Shot in my studio in a set I designed
Another Kristin Costa original.
Shot on location.
P. R. photo for A Fifth of Butoh performed by Vangeline Theater.
In this photo Azumi Oe performs the piece Fifth Amendment.
This photograph was selected for the One Eyeland Picture of The Day.
Promotional photo for Full Bunny Contact.
Done on location.
Contortionist and Aerial Performer Tara Quinn.
Done on location at the Norwood, NYC.
This became a subway poster in the New York City Subway system in all 5 boroughs. The theme was Urban Myths that year.
The fore ground was show in my studio and the background was shot added in.
If you want to see behinds the scenes on how this shot was made please click here.
Cassandra Rosebeetle in a promotional picture for Cloud Cuckooland. An original story by Djahari Clark in collaboration with many wonderful artists including Playwright Matthew Freeman, musicians David Kammerer & Harlan Muir, and the untamable ladies of Desert Sin.
The set in this photo was made by me in my studio.
Information about the performance can be found here.
You can see more images and how they were used here.
Promotional picture for the performance.
A collaboration with Corn Mo, The Love Show NYC and .357 Lover.
On location at the Frying Pan, NYC
This was a set up shot in my studio for A Dream of Red Pavilions by the Pan Asian Repertory Theater Company. Since the set hadn't been built yet I re-created an element from design from the set drawings and used it to create this scene.